Getting ready for back to school and that means time to buy new stuff right :D. I went to the mall and I have to say I did NOT spend my money wisely but I did get things I love. In fact I am wearing one of the pieces now. I went to Old Navy, Forever 21, American Eagle and Aerie. Pretty much spent all my mulah but it was on necessities.
I'll make sure to photograph the clothes and update this blog asap :]
So what do you feel is necessary in the "fashion" sense?!
Friday, August 10, 2012
Saturday, August 4, 2012
Creatures of Habit
Hello lovelies
It's been awhile but recently I've been sitting on the couch with my grandpa watching the Olympics (which I normally would not do). My grandpa is here visiting and I always like to here stories of his and sometimes repeats :]
He has been here for a couple of weeks now and during every visit it is all the same. From the 3 AM potty break to the 3 sneezes before his morning showers and the absolute must read newspaper from front to back before he turns on the TV. I always know it's nap time around 2PM and always bedtime at 10PM (signaled by loud yawning). He always goes for a walk even with his bad leg and limp around noon. However if it's windy, sprinkling, or tarzan is on then he stays.
It is truly a pleasure to see my grandparent in this way. All of the other ones have already passed away and I was young when they did. Now as a young adult I really appreciate the little things. And I certainly learn something new everyday. Such as were my mother got her sarcasm or learned the work "Ongawa" from (Tarzan 1934).
I've watched old classics and mobster movies with him. Had the horrible experience of seeing him fall down stairs and get stitches from landing on fishing pole hooks. As I write this I feel like how a parent would feel watching a child and that's not what I mean it's more of observations that I get to experience and remember. It saddens me that my little brother (18 years) doesn't look at life this way and doesn't appreciate it the way I do. I really believe that people should take a minuet and appreciate their grandparent for the wonderful gateway to the past and future that they are.
As for me I am no creature of habit and I try over and over again to make healthy habits but 28 days is a long time to build each one. I wonder how long it took him to make his habits and because he's been doing it for years (retired at 52 and now 78) is it really upsetting? I would imagine so.
Message to anyone reading this: appreciate the things that you see and help others to see it too especially when it's about people you love.
It's been awhile but recently I've been sitting on the couch with my grandpa watching the Olympics (which I normally would not do). My grandpa is here visiting and I always like to here stories of his and sometimes repeats :]
He has been here for a couple of weeks now and during every visit it is all the same. From the 3 AM potty break to the 3 sneezes before his morning showers and the absolute must read newspaper from front to back before he turns on the TV. I always know it's nap time around 2PM and always bedtime at 10PM (signaled by loud yawning). He always goes for a walk even with his bad leg and limp around noon. However if it's windy, sprinkling, or tarzan is on then he stays.
It is truly a pleasure to see my grandparent in this way. All of the other ones have already passed away and I was young when they did. Now as a young adult I really appreciate the little things. And I certainly learn something new everyday. Such as were my mother got her sarcasm or learned the work "Ongawa" from (Tarzan 1934).
I've watched old classics and mobster movies with him. Had the horrible experience of seeing him fall down stairs and get stitches from landing on fishing pole hooks. As I write this I feel like how a parent would feel watching a child and that's not what I mean it's more of observations that I get to experience and remember. It saddens me that my little brother (18 years) doesn't look at life this way and doesn't appreciate it the way I do. I really believe that people should take a minuet and appreciate their grandparent for the wonderful gateway to the past and future that they are.
As for me I am no creature of habit and I try over and over again to make healthy habits but 28 days is a long time to build each one. I wonder how long it took him to make his habits and because he's been doing it for years (retired at 52 and now 78) is it really upsetting? I would imagine so.
Message to anyone reading this: appreciate the things that you see and help others to see it too especially when it's about people you love.
Sunday, July 29, 2012
Always inspired
So I am always looking to recycle or reuse anything I have . This has led to piles of junk. However I came across a pin on Pinterest and put it into action. I am using old big t shirts and revitalizing them into scarves.
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
Sunday, July 22, 2012
Make do with what you have
Did you know by simple cutting tape you could make a quick and easy design like I've done here!
Just remember to let the first coat of nail polish dry for 10 mins and put the tape on the back of your hand to remove some of the stickiness.
If you have a pair if scissors that cuts designs then you could also do a cute fun pattern :]
Just remember to let the first coat of nail polish dry for 10 mins and put the tape on the back of your hand to remove some of the stickiness.
If you have a pair if scissors that cuts designs then you could also do a cute fun pattern :]
Thursday, July 19, 2012
Mock Potato Salad
So as you can see instead of potatoes I used cauliflower which is a great alternative and much more healthy. Not to mention that the texture is surprisingly similar
1. What you want to do first is boil your cauliflower and keep an eye on it because it can easily overcook and it will not be the way you want it. You want to be able to pierce it with your fork and it should go in easily.
2. Remove and cool
3. Next you want to cut up the other ingredients such as: pickles, carrots, red onions, celery and anything else you want to add.
4. Now add mayo (light), a tad of mustard, and paprika (optional)
This is definitely easy; quick and healthy.
I loved it!
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Truly Lovely
I honestly can't tell you how happy it makes me when a random person smiles at me. I know I know it sounds creepy but when I am driving and then someone just smiles when I look over it just feels as if I had done something right and it puts me in such a good mood.
I think it's sort of the good deed to do in a day. I think everyone should push themselves to smile more at complete strangers and not to hold a frown. Smiling not only helps others to get happiness but tricks your own body into producing the "happy go lucky" hormones that we all want. So smile.
It's so simple yet so powerful
I think it's sort of the good deed to do in a day. I think everyone should push themselves to smile more at complete strangers and not to hold a frown. Smiling not only helps others to get happiness but tricks your own body into producing the "happy go lucky" hormones that we all want. So smile.
It's so simple yet so powerful
Monday, July 16, 2012
What Inspires Me
I never would have thought that Pinterest would inspire me so much but it has... truly
Whenever I feel a bit unmotivated or craving fries I just click on the fitness section and voila! instant fix :] Here are just a couple pictures that I actually save to my phone for quick reference. I do know that to do anything you must be motivated or inspired to do it first.. So be inspired.. by anything and everything
Whenever I feel a bit unmotivated or craving fries I just click on the fitness section and voila! instant fix :] Here are just a couple pictures that I actually save to my phone for quick reference. I do know that to do anything you must be motivated or inspired to do it first.. So be inspired.. by anything and everything
Saturday, July 14, 2012
Killer Legs
Yesterday was Intense!
I am proud of myself for running longer than I ever have and the whole time kept on saying "don't give up, don't give up... just a little more". Towards the end I convinced myself that my evil twin sister was trying to kill me so I pushed on.
Today, I am sore and it feels great to know that I pushed myself but I can barely move. I am doing a butt challenge and dear lord it is a challenge.
So instead of torturing myself again.. I'll just take my dogs for a walk and then do abs if I can.
In other news I recently have went back in time.. about 10 years. I found someone from my elementary school and we've been talking back and forth about life changes, jokes and memories. It's really cool to get a blast from the past and it's amazing how many things the two of you can recall from back then.
I just remember how different I was back then and how I was just boy crazy ( I know I am not the only one)
The Past: it's so easy to lose people there and so hard to forget
I am proud of myself for running longer than I ever have and the whole time kept on saying "don't give up, don't give up... just a little more". Towards the end I convinced myself that my evil twin sister was trying to kill me so I pushed on.
Today, I am sore and it feels great to know that I pushed myself but I can barely move. I am doing a butt challenge and dear lord it is a challenge.
So instead of torturing myself again.. I'll just take my dogs for a walk and then do abs if I can.
In other news I recently have went back in time.. about 10 years. I found someone from my elementary school and we've been talking back and forth about life changes, jokes and memories. It's really cool to get a blast from the past and it's amazing how many things the two of you can recall from back then.
I just remember how different I was back then and how I was just boy crazy ( I know I am not the only one)
The Past: it's so easy to lose people there and so hard to forget
Friday, July 13, 2012
I am today taking that step forward and renewing my old promises for myself (might have to be an everyday thing).
I was just talking to my boyfriend about how I recently saw something saying "don't reward yourself with food, you're not a dog"
It made me laugh and then realize that I love food so much. This battle I am having to lose weight isn't something easy and I never thought it would be but I've come to another realization that it's a life commitment. I can't just go back to eating everything in sight like I want to.
My reward is new clothes and hopefully clothes from Forever 21. Right now I can't fit into much of anything (I'm not talking about the plus sizes). The regular sized things I can't fit into and the smallest sizes in plus sizes are too big! I'm stuck right in the middle. I hate the feeling of my arms not moving in shirts because it's too tight around my fatty arms.
So that is it! I will not let my fat or fries keep me from beautiful clothes :]. Honestly it's also keeping me from self confidence and I want to be healthier. So yes I am doing it for a material reason and a personal one.
Today I am going to peel myself away from my room, tie up my running shoes and go jogging..
Jogging isn't hard for me it's the everyday thing that gets me.
However if it's a challenge then you know it's worth it
I was just talking to my boyfriend about how I recently saw something saying "don't reward yourself with food, you're not a dog"
It made me laugh and then realize that I love food so much. This battle I am having to lose weight isn't something easy and I never thought it would be but I've come to another realization that it's a life commitment. I can't just go back to eating everything in sight like I want to.
My reward is new clothes and hopefully clothes from Forever 21. Right now I can't fit into much of anything (I'm not talking about the plus sizes). The regular sized things I can't fit into and the smallest sizes in plus sizes are too big! I'm stuck right in the middle. I hate the feeling of my arms not moving in shirts because it's too tight around my fatty arms.
So that is it! I will not let my fat or fries keep me from beautiful clothes :]. Honestly it's also keeping me from self confidence and I want to be healthier. So yes I am doing it for a material reason and a personal one.
Today I am going to peel myself away from my room, tie up my running shoes and go jogging..
Jogging isn't hard for me it's the everyday thing that gets me.
However if it's a challenge then you know it's worth it
Thursday, July 12, 2012
Hello Blog I made it back just in time.
I had almost completely forgotten about you, thank God something reminded me. So the past night I watched Pyscho for the first time and was a little creeped out when I fell asleep that was until I had my niece throw up next to my head (ewww) yes and it was disgusting I nearly threw up myself.
And now it is raining.. It seems that I am having a down day but I'm not I love the sound and smell of the rain. The tapping on leaves is the best part. I think I am either trying to come into a new chapter in my life or it's happening on my own. One of those moments in life where you realize that some things do not matter as much and figure out what you should really be caring about.
I read something very recently that said "People are often unreasonable, illogical and self-centered. Forgive them anyway. If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish motives. Be kind anyway. If you are successful, you will win some false friends and some true enemies. Succeed anyway. If you are honest and sincere, people may deceive you. Be honest and sincere anyway. What you spend years building, someone could destroy overnight. Build anyway. If you find serenity and happiness, they may be jealous. Be happy anyway. The good you do today, people will often forget tomorrow. Do good anyway. Give the world the best you have and it may never be enough. Give them your best anyway. In the final analysis, it is between you and God. It never was between you and them anyway" - Mother Teresa
Those words have moved me and I cannot explain to you in great detail why but if you yourself reads it and feels nothing then I do not know what to say anyway. I love that it's not saying love them because they are you brother or sister it's just saying to do it anyway because ultimately what else could you do? Waste your time and energy?! sure but what for..
Hope these words have helped someone today or whenever they stumble upon this page.. I know they did help me when I did.
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
Tell me dear world of the bloggers why is it so hard for me to do this? What is keeping me from having a successful blog? I have no real idea what my blog is about, should it be about what I want it to be about or let it be what it was meant to be all along... a place where my thoughts, that are scrambled, stay on one page?!
From the last time I wrote I made myself a Youtube account at It's mostly beauty and random vlogs (video logging of my life) Honestly it is a lot more entertaining but I love to write and share my thoughts as well.
To write at least every other day on this blog. What about?! I have no idea
Day ONE!
So right now I am watching Addams Family Values, how entertaining and dark! AND OMG Cynthia Nixon is one of the nanny's :].
I had to watch something because I just got into an argument with my little brother. My brother is the rudest kid on Earth and he knows it and admits it. I don't understand why or how he could treat his friends better than his own family. When we are in fact the only ones here for him. UGH! Boys now will stay forever boys!
Sunday, January 15, 2012
OMG I FORGOT Day 05: Favorite Quote
Yeah I totally spaced blogging for two days. I have been making tutorials on Youtube; going to plays; eating; more eating; exercising; just being busy...
I honestly don't know if I have a favorite quote but I do like the phrase "Forgive but never forget"
I suppose I like it because it reminds me that I do need to forgive and it's really hard to do; for me at least. And forgiving is not for the other person it's for me; I can't carry hate in my heart because it will literally tear me down. Then the never forget part because it is saying that you must learn from this. Every mistake; every turn; every day there is an opportunity to learn something to carry with you and so don't forget what that lesson is. Plus you don't want to repeat something and regretting it.
So learn it; live it; love your life!
I honestly don't know if I have a favorite quote but I do like the phrase "Forgive but never forget"
I suppose I like it because it reminds me that I do need to forgive and it's really hard to do; for me at least. And forgiving is not for the other person it's for me; I can't carry hate in my heart because it will literally tear me down. Then the never forget part because it is saying that you must learn from this. Every mistake; every turn; every day there is an opportunity to learn something to carry with you and so don't forget what that lesson is. Plus you don't want to repeat something and regretting it.
So learn it; live it; love your life!
Thursday, January 12, 2012
Day 04 Favorite Book
I seriously almost forgot to blog!! *bad bad bad*
Anyways I have tons of books and of course I love them all. However there was this book that I had found deep within a closet in a tub full of books and it was called Rain by VC Andrews. Never heard of it before and so I just read it. I read it in like 2 days it was so interesting and I couldn't put it down. I bough the second book, Lightning strikes, couldn't put that one down. And so on it went with the last two which are titled The Eye of the Storm and The end of the Rainbow.
Out of this series my favorite one was the third book, The eye of the Storm.
The whole story is around this beautiful girl named Rain who finds out that she isn't full black but actually biracial, black and white. Her mother tried to hide her mistake and when her mom that raised her got sick she told her the truth. She went and lived with her "white" grandmother and went on to achieving alot in the prestigious schools they put her in. There is death, misfortune and mystery. I really don't want to tell the whole story because firstly I can't and secondly I want someone to read it and get obsessed like I did.
So go right now and buy it!!
*Chat with you later
Anyways I have tons of books and of course I love them all. However there was this book that I had found deep within a closet in a tub full of books and it was called Rain by VC Andrews. Never heard of it before and so I just read it. I read it in like 2 days it was so interesting and I couldn't put it down. I bough the second book, Lightning strikes, couldn't put that one down. And so on it went with the last two which are titled The Eye of the Storm and The end of the Rainbow.
Out of this series my favorite one was the third book, The eye of the Storm.
The whole story is around this beautiful girl named Rain who finds out that she isn't full black but actually biracial, black and white. Her mother tried to hide her mistake and when her mom that raised her got sick she told her the truth. She went and lived with her "white" grandmother and went on to achieving alot in the prestigious schools they put her in. There is death, misfortune and mystery. I really don't want to tell the whole story because firstly I can't and secondly I want someone to read it and get obsessed like I did.
So go right now and buy it!!
*Chat with you later
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Day 03 Favorite TV program
At the moment I have been into Switched at Birth. I like to watch shows that I have seen every episode of and this is one of those shows. I love it so much because it is so different. It's about the two worlds of hearing and not hearing coming together.
It's also obviously how to girls were switched and that's pretty interesting to see how their lives get so tangled up into each others.
To be honest I am watching it right now on :] don't want to get behind
chat with you later, bye xoxo
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Day 02 Favorite Movie
So I am a huge movie freak, I love them I love them I love them.. did I say I love them..
haha Anyways my favorite movie would have to be one that still makes me laugh/cry after watching a million times for me it is Steel Magnolias
I mean look at this cast ^^^^ [enough said]
This movie makes me crack a smile every time I hear Dolly Parton character, Truvy say pretty much anything but especially "I'm just screamin' at my husband; I can do that any time!"
Shirley Mclaine is just brilliant and Julia Roberts as her daughter just creates this believable dynamic of a mother and daughter.
Ouiser and Clairee are a wonderful duo as well and they are the comedic relief. I love what Clairee says about humans. She says "The only thing that separates us from the animals is our ability to accessorize"
Nothing could be more true than that!
Their accents just are wonderful and a joy to watch especially from Daryll Hannah's Character, Annelle. I love seeing her go from a nerd to bad ass to reformed christian.. Because no one really ever stays the same from birth to death.
However the part that always gets me teared up is at the end when [SPOILER: Do not read if you want to see it:)] Shelby dies and all the older women are trying to console her mother.. it just puts a huge lump in my throat and then it turns to funny real quick which is a relief because I would cry a freakin river if they didn't do that.
Overall it is the best movie for a bad day, good day, lazy day and any day..
Check it out
Chat with ya later!
haha Anyways my favorite movie would have to be one that still makes me laugh/cry after watching a million times for me it is Steel Magnolias
I mean look at this cast ^^^^ [enough said]
This movie makes me crack a smile every time I hear Dolly Parton character, Truvy say pretty much anything but especially "I'm just screamin' at my husband; I can do that any time!"
Shirley Mclaine is just brilliant and Julia Roberts as her daughter just creates this believable dynamic of a mother and daughter.
Ouiser and Clairee are a wonderful duo as well and they are the comedic relief. I love what Clairee says about humans. She says "The only thing that separates us from the animals is our ability to accessorize"
Nothing could be more true than that!
Their accents just are wonderful and a joy to watch especially from Daryll Hannah's Character, Annelle. I love seeing her go from a nerd to bad ass to reformed christian.. Because no one really ever stays the same from birth to death.
However the part that always gets me teared up is at the end when [SPOILER: Do not read if you want to see it:)] Shelby dies and all the older women are trying to console her mother.. it just puts a huge lump in my throat and then it turns to funny real quick which is a relief because I would cry a freakin river if they didn't do that.
Overall it is the best movie for a bad day, good day, lazy day and any day..
Check it out
Chat with ya later!
Monday, January 9, 2012
Been Forever/Day 01
As the title states it's been forever since I've blogged about anything. I have no idea why I make this so much harder than it needs to be but I shall jump on the horse once again.
So I've decided to do a 30 day Challenge to get me into blogging more.. so here are the questions I have to answer everyday
Day 01 — Your favorite song
Day 02 — Your favorite movie
Day 03 — Your favorite television program
Day 04 — Your favorite book
Day 05 — Your favorite quote
Day 06 — Whatever tickles your fancy
Day 07 — A photo that makes you happy
Day 08 — A photo that makes you angry/sad
Day 09 — A photo you took
Day 10 — A photo of you taken over ten years ago
Day 11 — A photo of you taken recently
Day 12 — Whatever tickles your fancy
Day 13 — A fictional book
Day 14 — A non-fictional book
Day 15 — A fanfic
Day 16 — A song that makes you cry (or nearly)
Day 17 — An art piece (painting, drawing, sculpture, etc.)
Day 18 — Whatever tickles your fancy
Day 19 — A talent of yours
Day 20 — A hobby of yours
Day 21 — A recipe
Day 22 — A website
Day 23 — A YouTube video
Day 24 — Whatever tickles your fancy
Day 25 — Your day, in great detail
Day 26 — Your week, in great detail
Day 27 — This month, in great detail
Day 28 — This year, in great detail
Day 29 — Hopes, dreams and plans for the next 365 days
Day 30 — Whatever tickles your fancy
So what is my favorite song??? That's so hard :]
I'll say Happiness by Alexis Jordan
The story: Okay I have only heard it once a couple days ago while working out and it just put me in the BEST mood ever!! Seriously I was dancing around so much and literally got me sore the next day. If you haven't heard it then you should definitely give it a listen..
Felt a little like this
Okay I'll post later or definitely by tomorrow..
Oh quick UPDATE: So I have another little blog that's just getting started. It's devoted to beauty/health/soul related stuff. Plus I am planning on starting my own YT channel. YEs a lot of exciting things. This blog was my first so I couldn't just let it circle the drain :D.. Okie dokie talk to you later
So I've decided to do a 30 day Challenge to get me into blogging more.. so here are the questions I have to answer everyday
Day 01 — Your favorite song
Day 02 — Your favorite movie
Day 03 — Your favorite television program
Day 04 — Your favorite book
Day 05 — Your favorite quote
Day 06 — Whatever tickles your fancy
Day 07 — A photo that makes you happy
Day 08 — A photo that makes you angry/sad
Day 09 — A photo you took
Day 10 — A photo of you taken over ten years ago
Day 11 — A photo of you taken recently
Day 12 — Whatever tickles your fancy
Day 13 — A fictional book
Day 14 — A non-fictional book
Day 15 — A fanfic
Day 16 — A song that makes you cry (or nearly)
Day 17 — An art piece (painting, drawing, sculpture, etc.)
Day 18 — Whatever tickles your fancy
Day 19 — A talent of yours
Day 20 — A hobby of yours
Day 21 — A recipe
Day 22 — A website
Day 23 — A YouTube video
Day 24 — Whatever tickles your fancy
Day 25 — Your day, in great detail
Day 26 — Your week, in great detail
Day 27 — This month, in great detail
Day 28 — This year, in great detail
Day 29 — Hopes, dreams and plans for the next 365 days
Day 30 — Whatever tickles your fancy
So what is my favorite song??? That's so hard :]
I'll say Happiness by Alexis Jordan
The story: Okay I have only heard it once a couple days ago while working out and it just put me in the BEST mood ever!! Seriously I was dancing around so much and literally got me sore the next day. If you haven't heard it then you should definitely give it a listen..
Felt a little like this
Okay I'll post later or definitely by tomorrow..
Oh quick UPDATE: So I have another little blog that's just getting started. It's devoted to beauty/health/soul related stuff. Plus I am planning on starting my own YT channel. YEs a lot of exciting things. This blog was my first so I couldn't just let it circle the drain :D.. Okie dokie talk to you later
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